Sedation Dentistry
As the first sedation dentistry in Clarksville, we strive to make each visit as comfortable and painless as possible. Sedation dentistry will help overcome even the slightest of dental anxiety or phobia by creating a sense of relaxation through the use of sedatives.
Unlike sleep dentistry, sedation dentistry keeps you awake throughout the entire procedure unless deep sedation or general anesthesia is used. Treatments will feel like minutes when in reality the procedure could last hours. The greatest benefit to sedation dentistry is the sense of comfort during treatments, which helps, even the worst case of dental phobia. The use of sedation dentistry results in less oral neglect and more fulfillment of recommended routine care bringing more healthier, smiling faces to Clarksville.
If you experience any of the following, sedation dentistry could be for you:
- Dental anxiety
- Severe dental phobia
- Sensitive teeth
- Inability or difficulty getting numb
- Fear of needles
- Complicated dental issues
- Time constraints
- Inability or difficulty controlling body movement
Sedation dentistry consists of several methods and levels of sedation. We select the best sedation dentistry option for you based on type of treatment, length of treatment, and level of anxiety. Levels of sedation include anxiolysis (nitrous oxide) and oral conscious sedation.
Anxiolysis is a very mild form of sedation used to relieve anxiety. Laughing gas, or nitrous oxide, is most commonly used in anxiolysis. A small nose-hood is placed over the nose where the nitrous oxide is administered. Laughing gas can produce some tingling, numbness, and an overall sense of relaxation throughout treatment.
Oral conscious sedation can be used to produce a moderate sedation by giving oral medication prior to the appointment. This type of sedation diminishes awareness of pain, sounds, and smell. This can combined with anxiolysis (nitrous oxide) for a deeper relaxation during your oral conscious sedation.